Half An Hour Without Alcohol: The Alcoholics Anonymous Path

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, a self help group established in 1932, have upended the pyramid of the lives of millions of addicts. They commence every single meeting by faithfully and unflinchingly reciting the Serenity Prayer; this is the starting point of their 12 step recovery programme.

The critical element in the recovery of any alcoholic lies in admitting to the fact that he or she needs help.

The alcoholic has to emerge from the world of self denial, the belief that everything is hunky dory and he/ she is not affected by the perils of alcoholism.

There are several triggers which engineer addiction. However one can safely conclude that it is the recalcitrant mind and low prana levels which are the endemic to the craving, the compulsion and eventual enslavement to the Bacchus.

In the swathes of the ether maniac’s cobweb filled mind the power of discrimination and discernment seem lost in the darkness of an endless tunnel.

The Serenity Prayer provides immense succour to make a paradigm shift and a 360 degree change in an addict’s life; leading up to a complete turnaround and eventually to eschew dependency on alcohol.

The first and the only step they have to initiate are to singularly submit to a superior power and admit their powerlessness over the Bacchus.

Once this first step is taken the process of recovery begins.

– Taken from my book ‘The Infinite Mind’, co-authored with Ankush Garg.




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